
Geo Calling

Are you ready to take your prospecting skills to the next level? In this video, David Thompson breaks down the three key sources of business: prospecting, lead follow-up, and marketing. Today, we’re focusing on Geo Calling—one of the most effective methods for real estate agents to generate new business.

Learn how to turn cold calls into warm conversations by using David's proven Geo Calling script that builds rapport, creates meaningful connections, and generates listings. Most agents make the mistake of asking one simple question, “Are you interested in selling?” and moving on when the answer is no. Instead, David shows you how to dig deeper, create trust, and ultimately uncover potential sellers through the art of conversation.

In this video, you’ll discover:
✅The true purpose of Geo Calling: Making friends, not just setting appointments.
✅How to avoid the common mistake of making your calls sound like an interrogation.
✅The powerful Geo Calling script and techniques that can lead to 67 listings a year with just two hours of prospecting per day.
✅ Tips on building rapport, using effective tie-down questions, and navigating conversations with potential sellers.

If you’re serious about taking your real estate business to the next level, sign up for Skill Ramper to learn more about how our programs can help you perfect your skills, increase your listings, and close more deals!